Dr Danielle Fatzinger

Mr Lachlan Campbell (c.1690×1707): Gaelic glossaries, lost material and the Republic of Letters

Tha sinn air cluinntinn o Danielle nach urrainn dhith tighinn thugainn air adhbharan slàinte – ach tha sinn an dòchas gu faigh sinn air cluinntinn uaipe uaireigin eile.

Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air Dr Danielle Fatzinger, Oilthigh Ghlaschu, air a’ mhìos seo. Bidh i a’ bruidhinn air a cheann a chithear gu h-àrd, Mgr Lachlann Caimbeul.  Tha sinn an dòchas gun urrainn dhuibh a bhith còmhla ruinn agus òraid air leth inntinneach againn air fàire.

Àm:7.30f, Diardaoin 20ᵐʰ dhan Fhaoilleach
Àite:Air a chur dheth

Update: will not be able to proceed with this lecture on Zoom as planned due to illness. We hope, however, to hear from Dr Fatzinger on another occasion.

We are looking forward to our first talk of the New Year. This month our guest-speaker is Dr Danielle Fatzinger, University of Glasgow, talking, on the heading above, Thursday 20th January at 7.30pm.  We hope you can join us for what will be a fascinating and informative talk.

When:7.30pm, Thursday 20th January

Sgrìobh beachd